News update
2021 has been a very exciting and busy time at Ventbrook – our last news update was Feb 2021!
Since February 2021 we have promoted Gareth to Operations Supervisor, this new role takes Gareth away from the installation of traffic management and is now involved in coordinating works, managing clients and supervision of the Traffic Management Operatives. Gareth has shown great resilience in his new role and receives high praise from all those that deal with him.

In April we started to implement a new software programme to allow us to move our paper based job system to a digital platform, this allows us to track jobs in real time, monitor photos and ensure compliance against our standards.

May saw us awarded with a new contract on behalf of Lancashire County Council, we are now listed as an approved contractor on the Civils Dayworks Contract supplying Civil teams for various dayworks including remedial repairs and groundworks.
We were delighted to see events in July restart after they were all cancelled in 2020 (not mentioning the C Word!) and were able to provide traffic management to various events around the North West along with providing assistance with planning, permits and scheme drawings.

In September we had our Surveillance Visit from our External Auditors who once again passed us against ISO 9001:2015 NHSS 12A B C & D standards with no non-conformances.
One week into October has seen us recommended for Certification against ISO 14001 Environmental and 45001 Health and Safety and the delivery of a new Grab Wagon.
Throughout the year we have welcomed new team members and said farewell to others, we are still striving for excellence and staff receive various training to enable them to carry out their jobs along with support from our management team. We have also worked with some new clients and maintained relationships with our current, did you know we still have clients that we welcomed when we started in 2002, which speaks volumes of our service.

And still to come this year is new temporary light heads to replace our current fleet, these will allow us to configure them with Pedestrian Lights and further development of our digital platform to allow customer access.
Phew, you can see now why the last update was February! We are looking forward to starting our 20th year in business with the success of 2021 and will be sharing more successes in the future